Gradient Border Generator

Create beautiful gradient borders for your web projects with CSS, HTML, and Tailwind CSS.

.gradient-border {
  border: 2px solid transparent;
  background: linear-gradient(white, white) padding-box,
              linear-gradient(45deg, #3498db, #e74c3c) border-box;
  border-radius: 8px;


About Gradient Borders

Gradient borders add a modern and stylish touch to your web elements. They can be created using various CSS techniques, including background gradients with padding-box and border-box combinations.

Types of Gradient Borders

  • Linear Gradients: Create smooth transitions in a straight line. Perfect for directional effects.
  • Radial Gradients: Transition colors from a central point. Great for spotlight or circular effects.
  • Conic Gradients: Rotate colors around a center point. Ideal for creating unique border patterns.

Browser Support

  • Linear and radial gradients are supported in all modern browsers
  • Conic gradients are supported in Chrome 69+, Firefox 83+, and Safari 12.1+
  • For older browsers, always provide a solid border fallback

Tips for Using Gradient Borders

  • Use contrasting colors for better visibility
  • Consider reduced motion preferences for animated gradients
  • Test different border widths for optimal visual impact
  • Ensure sufficient contrast with the background