HEX to HEXA Color Converter

Transform HEX colors to HEXA by adding an alpha channel for transparency.

Current alpha: 1

About HEX to HEXA Conversion

HEXA color values extend the standard 6-digit hexadecimal color codes by adding two additional digits for the alpha channel. The alpha channel controls transparency, where 00 represents fully transparent and FF represents fully opaque.

Common Use Cases

  • Modern web development with CSS colors
  • Cross-platform application development
  • Design systems and UI libraries
  • Digital asset creation with transparency


  • #FF0000#FF0000FF - Solid red (fully opaque)
  • #00FF00#00FF0080 - Semi-transparent green
  • #0000FF#0000FF40 - Mostly transparent blue

Browser Support

8-digit hex colors (HEXA) are supported in all modern browsers. For older browsers, it's recommended to provide a fallback using RGBA or standard HEX colors.