HEX to LAB Color Converter

HEX Color Input

Enter a 6-digit (#RRGGBB) or 3-digit (#RGB) hex color code

LAB Color Output


Lighter shade (50% brightness)


Tends toward red (nearly neutral)


Tends toward yellow (nearly neutral)

About HEX to LAB Conversion

Converting from HEX to LAB involves multiple steps to transform the color from the RGB color space (which HEX represents) to the LAB color space.

  1. Convert HEX to RGB values (0-255)
  2. Convert RGB to linear RGB (remove gamma correction)
  3. Convert to XYZ color space using D65 illuminant
  4. Finally convert XYZ to LAB

The LAB color space is perceptually uniform, meaning that a change of the same amount in a color value should produce a change of about the same visual importance. This makes it useful for:

  • Color difference calculations
  • Color manipulation and adjustment
  • Creating perceptually uniform color gradients