HEXA to HEX Color Converter
Transform 8-digit HEXA colors to 6-digit HEX by removing the alpha channel and blending with a background color.
About HEXA to HEX Conversion
HEXA colors are 8-digit hexadecimal color codes where the last two digits represent the alpha channel (transparency). Converting to HEX involves removing the alpha channel and blending with a background color to create a solid 6-digit hex color.
How it Works
1. The 8-digit HEXA color is split into color (first 6 digits) and alpha (last 2 digits)
2. The alpha value is converted from hex (00-FF) to decimal (0-1)
3. The color is blended with the background using the alpha value
4. The result is converted back to a 6-digit hex color
Common Use Cases
- Converting modern 8-digit hex colors to legacy 6-digit format
- Creating solid color fallbacks for transparent colors
- Preparing colors for systems that don't support transparency
- Flattening transparent colors for export
(Solid red)#00FF0080
(Semi-transparent green on white)#0000FF40
(Mostly transparent blue on white)
Browser Support
While 8-digit hex colors are supported in modern browsers, converting to 6-digit hex ensures maximum compatibility across all platforms and browsers.