LAB to HEX Color Converter

LAB Color Input

Represents lightness (0 = black, 100 = white)

Negative = green, Positive = red

Negative = blue, Positive = yellow

HEX Color Output


About LAB to HEX Conversion

The LAB color space is designed to be perceptually uniform, meaning that a change of the same amount in a color value should produce a change of about the same visual importance.

Converting from LAB to HEX involves these steps:

  1. Convert LAB to XYZ using D65 illuminant reference values
  2. Convert XYZ to linear RGB
  3. Apply gamma correction to get sRGB values
  4. Convert RGB values to hexadecimal format

Note: Some LAB colors may be outside the sRGB color gamut and will be automatically mapped to the closest reproducible color.